Living with chronic pain impacts the quality of your life. It has life-altering consequences, affecting your day-to-day activities. You could end up quitting your job or find it difficult to do errands you used to. Here are a few ways to help you cope with the...
How Natural Hormone Therapy in Plano TX Benefits Women
Women going through pre-menopause or menopause can often experience the symptoms of hormonal changes much younger than they imagine. You may begin to feel depressed or fatigued and have hot flashes in your early 40s or even late 30s. Some women rarely notice any...
Caring For Injured Toes And Seeking Services Offered By A Podiatrist In Kenosha WI
If an individual fell during a sporting event and is suffering from a toe injury as a result, it is important for them to be treated by a podiatrist so that their toes heal properly. The tips below will assist with reducing pain and swelling during the healing...
If You Suffer from Heel Pain, See a Foot Doctor near Hyde Park
The foot and ankle system is a complex mechanism consisting of 26 bones, 33 joints, and numerous tendons. The heel bone is the largest bone in the foot. If you injure your heel, heel pain is to be expected. The pain can be mild, and in the worst case, it can be...
How Hemodialysis Patient Care Technicians Perform Kidney Dialysis
You may or may not know this, but there are actually two different types of kidney dialysis. The type that is traditionally done in a medical facility is called hemodialysis, while the other type is peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is a dialysis option that...