Coaching: A New Way OF Helping Families

by | Dec 12, 2014 | Health

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When an individual struggles with addiction, their struggle extends and effects those people that are closest to them. Thus when he or she strives for recovery, it is quite important that their family be included in the process. If not, a full and complete recovery will not be achieved. When a person has obtained their recovery coach certification this indicates that they understand that the process of recovery needs to address and embody a wide spectrum of people. If you are intrigued by this often neglected aspect of recovery, read on to enlighten yourself.

An Addict Is Not The Only One Recovering

When a professional undergoes intensive training, and finally obtains their recovery coach certification, this means that they have developed a thorough understanding of addiction. They understand that when a person uses and abuses drugs or alcohol, they deeply wound the people closest to them. Even when an addict begins to gain traction and positivity in their life, this does not mean that their family has begun healing as well. Certified recovery coaches are trained to work with an entire family unit in order to make sure that everyone is healing in tandem with one another. They will help facilitate the resolution of any unfinished business, and will make sure that the home is setup in a sober and recovery-focused manner.

Addiction Is Linked To Obsessive Behaviors

One major facet of addiction that recovery coaches address is that of obsessive tendencies. In the main, both recovering addicts and their family members have a tendency of obsessing over certain thoughts. Addicts themselves tend to obsess over their substance of choice: how they might get it, how much they want it, the feelings of pleasure and catharsis that attend taking this particular drug. Similarly, a recovering addict’s family has a tendency of obsessing over their family member’s addiction as well. They tend to obsess over past instances of relapse: how they occurred and how much they were wounded by these events. Someone who has obtained their recovery coach certification is equipped with all of the tools to help both recovering addicts, and their families, abandon these obsessive behaviors. Changing thought patterns, routines and a little bit of blind trust will go a long way in erasing negative and obsessive behaviors. After all, obsessing is a way of remaining tethered to a negative and destructive past. With a recovery coach, you can work your way into a bright and positive future.

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