What is the Medicare Risk Adjustment System?

by | Apr 3, 2019 | Healthcare

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As of this time, there are approximately 44 million people, or roughly 15% of the population of the United States, who are enrolled in Medicare. This means if you are a medical practitioner of any kind, or even if you simply work in a doctor’s office, there is an extremely good chance you are going to have to deal with a patient who is on Medicare. Therefore, it is so important you are familiar with the Medicare Risk Adjustment System. By understanding this system more fully, you will be better equipped to help your patients and understand their needs. This way, they can get the best care possible with only a minimum amount of hassle.

What is the Medicare Risk Adjustment?

The Medicare risk adjustment system is in place to help prioritize those who currently have health factors they are dealing with, and are therefore at risk, at the time that they are enrolled in the program. By having the Medicare risk adjustment system in place, medical practitioners and insurance companies can make sure those who need the most care are receiving it and it remains affordable.

How Does the Medicare Risk Adjustment System Work?

The way the Medicare Risk Adjustment System works is that each person who is enrolled in the program is assigned a “risk value” score based on their current health and other factors. This includes factors such as family history of serious illness and whether they are a smoker or not. This score is then able to predict the person’s expected health insurance costs for the future.

For more information about Medicare risk adjustment and how it can help your practice, please contact Gebbs Healthcare Solutions at their website today.

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