Having a comorbid diagnoses of a mental health issue and a substance addiction is a two-edged sword. You need a treatment program that addresses both of these personal problems at the same time. Residential facilities in Minneapolis are able to do that, but perhaps many of the traditional ones you have tried have not seemed to work for you. Consider a holistic healthcare approach to your mental health and substance addiction problems instead. Here is how a holistic approach differs and helps.
Offering In-Home Treatment to Alleviate Anxiety
Treatment for many anxiety disorders often increases a person’s level of anxiety because he/she has to leave the comforts of home to travel to a clinic to receive treatment. Rather than induce episodes of anxiety which in turn induce a person to use/abuse a substance to self-medicate, the clinic comes to the patient, either via telehealth or by in person sessions when possible.
Address the Positives as Well as the Negatives
The holistic approach addresses the positives as well as the negatives. Instead of constantly stressing everything that makes you feel uncomfortable, the therapeutic approach addresses your strengths, your goals, etc. By focusing on what you have that is good you can help yourself move in a better direction and refocus your thoughts when you feel emotional chaos.
You Can Try the Program From Home Now
If you really want to give a holistic mental health and substance abuse program a try, you can start today. The telehealth programs that have launched just recently are open to accepting new patients for residential facilities in Minneapolis (when it is finally safe to do so). Contact “Company Name” today.