Are You Ready for a True Emergency or Disaster?

by | Aug 17, 2016 | Healthcare

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Everybody is well aware of the fact that if you are ever in a disaster or any other situation where there is an emergency and you are unable for any reason to reach medical assistance than a well-stocked first-aid kit is vital. It is a simple enough matter to purchase your first-aid supplies online but do you really know what you should have in your kit? Too many people under stock their supplies or simply have no idea where to start.

The Important Basics

  • 4 x 4 gauze pads are excellent for cleaning wounds, adding padding, making a bandage, and so many other uses.
  • 2 x 2 gauze pads are always nice to have if you have smaller wounds since cutting down larger pads can lead to fibers inside an open wound.
  • Ace bandages, both in normal and the self-sticking kind, can be used as a compression dressing and to tape up a sprain as well as to secure a splint.
  • Silvasorb gel which you can use for burns, wounds, and to prevent infections. The best part of this gel is that it contains silver which kills bacteria.
  • Hydrocortisone cream is another must-have. Your skin is made to defend against infection and scratching it leaving an open area is where infection could start.
  • Isopropyl alcohol and plenty of it. The more bottles you have the better and don’t forget the little alcohol pads.
  • You can never have enough Bandages in all shapes and sizes. This may surprise you but you also should have maxi pads. They are super absorbent and can be used to soak up blood from large wounds.
  • You should also definitely have a reliable thermometer, some vapor rub, and various and assorted medications such as Mucinex, Benadryl, ibuprofen, etc.

MDSupplies has a vast inventory of first-aid supplies from many manufacturers and can provide you with almost anything you would need in an emergency situation.

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