The Benefits of Non-Surgical Procedures for Improved Vaginal Laxity

by | Dec 14, 2018 | Health

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While its relatively common for people to learn about reproductive health through educational programs or their health care professionals, you rarely hear any detailed information about vaginal laxity. One of the most prevalent and concerning issues for women worldwide. For whatever reason, this health concern is something individuals tend to find out about on their own later in life or after having children. In many cases, women believe this is an issue they simply have to deal with as a part of life; but in reality, there are many options available that can help restore the walls of your vagina for improvement in many areas of your life and your health.

Improving Vaginal Laxity for Symptom Relief

So, what does vaginal laxity really mean? In a nutshell, it is the loss of collagen that provides fibrous tissues both flexibility and strength. This loss of collagen is often caused by vaginal child birth but is also found in women who are going through the hormonal changes of menopause, as well as those who have suffered some other sort of vaginal trauma. Resulting in any number of side effects including; incontinence and other bladder issues, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, and itching to name a few. Luckily, there are several options available to women to help improve issues with vaginal laxity that are not only effective but non-surgical in nature.

Revolutionary Laser Therapies Provide Results with No Downtime

Modern technology is really a wonderful tool, and medical professionals like those found at First Steps Fertility Clinic provide multiple options for vaginal laxity including the MonaLisa Touch and Geneveve Laser Treatments. While laser therapy isn’t an option for every individual it has proven to be a leading vagina tightening treatment in Toronto. With little to no downtime and a pain-free procedure, women can experience symptom relief from vaginal laxity in as little as a single treatment. Contact the experts at First Steps Fertility Clinic to learn more about how they can help you achieve non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation.

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